艺人:Billy Talent
Lo ost in the wind With out a di re ction Poss ess ed by per fe ction In this land, if you 're a wake, you 're the e ne my I run a way In search of re dem ption A path to a scen sion Like an e leva tor ri sing to the sun I scream at the stars But no bo dy's li stening Sear ching for the end But the jour ney's the rea son for e xi stence It's tea ring at my heart The se cret's in the dis tance Hard to find the truth in the dark When you're beg ging for for gi veness Sco orched by the rays My quest is re len tless My spi rit is des perate To find com fort in the arms of her re me dy Cha a sing a face That has no re fle ction The lights of sal va tion Di sa ppear in to the sha dows of the sand I scream at the stars But no bo dy's li stening Sear ching for the end But the jour ney's the rea son for e xi stence It's tea ring at my heart The se cret's in the dis tance Hard to find the truth in the dark When you're beg ging for for gi veness Chase my sha dow to the sun Chase my sha dow to the sun I scream at the stars But no bo dy's li stening Sear ching for the end But the jour ney's the rea son for e xi stence It's tea ring at my heart The se cret's in the dis tance Hard to find the truth in the dark When you're beg ging for for gi veness