Tra-ge-dy E-rased my me-mo-ry And now all I see is this black rain Tra-ge-dy You took my eve-ry-thing Now all I feel All I feel is pain How can I go on know-ing that I lost you? Where did I go wrong? Where did you run off to? Lost down here, bro-ken and alone I went and searched for some ans-wers But all I found were mon-sters They're un-der my bed They're haun-ting this tie that's been se-vered This tie that's been se-vered Now I fol-low your foot-steps Through the a-shes you once crept I feel so hol-low now I'm trapped on this is-land This is-land of reg-ret Tra-ge-dy E-rased my me-mo-ry And now all I see is this black rain Tra-ge-dy You took my eve-ry-thing Now all I feel All I feel is pain How can I go on know-ing that I lost you? Where did I go wrong? Where did you run off to? Lost down here, bro-ken and alone They left a note on the front door With a time and a place As the tears poured from my eyes Straight to the floor, There was no go-ing back once We knew what they came for And all I have here is heart-ache And bones, and mir-rors for me to break On-ly so much bad luck a per-son can take We qui-ver and quake, we shi-ver and shake Tra-ge-dy E-rased my me-mo-ry And now all I see is this black rain Tra-ge-dy