uuuummm this is the story about mary and joetwo young lovers a long agojust the small town romance that you might knowJoe and mary mary and joeoh rumour got started so they say that joe got mary on a family wayNeighbours started talkingthe word got aroundjoe said mary gotta blow townuhh joe and marymary and joein a beat up buoick on a open roadchuck berry playing on the radiojoe and mary mary and joeJoe said mary just a few more milesyou can make it baby justgimme a smileI can see bethlehem up aheadThey got a buffet breakfast and amotel bedyeah joe and marymary and joeLookin' for a place where they can goThe heater went out it was 20 belowjoe and marymary and joeLooking for a place whereThey can goThe heater went outit was twernty below