艺人:Elton John
专辑:Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
作词:John, Taupin
作曲:Elton John & Bernie Taupin
I've seen a lot of wom en who have n't had much luck I've seen you look ing like you've been run down by a truck That ain't nice to say some times I guess I'm real ly hard But I'm gon na put buck shots down in your pants if you step in to my yard When I watch the P come by and move you on Well I some times won der what's be neath the mess you've be come Well you may have been a pi o neer in the trade of wom en's wear But all you got was a mop up job wash ing o ther peo ple's stairs O she doo. O she doo. O she doo. O she doo. O she doo. O she doo. Oh! I'm gon na tell the world, yer a dir ty lit tle girl. Some one grab that bitch by the ears Rub her down, scrub her back. Turn her in side out. 'Cuz I bet she. I bet she. I bet she. Oh I bet she. She has n't had a bath in years Here's my own be lief a bout all the dir ty girls That you have to clean the oy ster to find the pearl And like rags that be long to you I be long to my self So don't show up a round here till yer so cial work er's helped O she doo. O she doo. O she doo. O she doo. O she doo. O she doo. Oh! I'm gon na tell the world, yer a dir ty lit tle girl. Some one grab that bitch by the ears Rub her down, scrub her back. Turn her in side out. 'Cuz I bet she. I bet she. I bet she. Oh! I bet she. She has n't had a bath in years 'Cuz I bet she. I bet she. I bet she. Oh! I bet she. She has n't had a bath in years