艺人:Funeral for a Friend
专辑:The Young And Defenceless
Wal-tzing day-dream se-re-nade Prea-ching god and coun-try like lines on a te-le-graph Seems like we all want to be We麓re so ve-ry diffe-rent but no-thing chang-es Young and de-fence-less wai-ting son at arms Bea-ting hearts a-gainst the tide of one Young and de-fence-less, w-ai-ting son at arms Bea-ting hearts against the tide o-of one We all end up like ma-ga-zines Crum-pled up dis-card-ed, cat-a-logued, for-gott-en Read the pag-es that are free Li-ving some thing care-less Just six-teen ov-er Young and de-fence-less wai-ting son at arms Bea-ting hearts against the tide o-of one Young and de-fe-nce-less, w-ai-ting son at arms Bea-ting hearts against the tide o-of one Bea-ting hearts against the tide of one 'Cause we're all a-lone We're all a-lone Bea-ting hearts against the tide o-of one Bea-ting hearts a-gainst the ti-ide Bea-ting hearts a-gainst the tide Young and de-fence-less, wai-ting son at arms Bea-ting against the tide o-of one Bea-ting hearts against the tide of one 'Cause we're all a-lone We're all a-lone Bea-ting hearts against the tide o-of one