艺人:Lord Huron
专辑:Strange Trails
[Verse 1] I know the ra-in like the clouds know the sky I speak to bi-rds and tell them where to fly . I sing the so-ngs that you hear on the bree-ze I write the na-mes of the rocks and the trees . [Chorus] Oh you fool there are ru-les I-m co-ming for yo-u . Dark-ness brings e-vil thing-s o-h the reck-on-ing be-gins . [Verse 2] I tried to wa-rn you when you were a child I told you not to ge-t lost in the wild I sent you o-mens and a-ll kinds of si-gns I taught you me-lo-dies, po-ems and rhy-mes . [Chorus] Oh you fool there are ru-les I-m co-ming for y-o-u You can run but you ca-n't . es-cape Dark-ness brings e-vil thing-s o-h the reck-on-ing be-gin-s You will o-pen the ya-wn-ing gr-a-ve Oh you fool there are ru-les I-m co-ming for y-o-u You can run but you ca-n't . be saved Dark-ness brings e-vil thing-s o-h the reck-on-ing be-gin-s You will o-pen the ya-wn-ing gr-a-ve