Ive Got To See You Again


标题:I`ve Got to See You Again

标签: 总谱


  1. Voice - 双簧管 Oboe
  2. SecondVoice - 手风琴 Accordion
  3. Solo G - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  4. Nylon G - 尼龙弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar (nylon)
  5. Acoustic G - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)
  6. Pedal G - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  7. Piano - 大钢琴 Acoustic Grand Piano
  8. Bass - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  9. Kick - 敲击乐器
  10. Drums - 敲击乐器
  11. HH - 敲击乐器
  12. Taiko Drum - 敲击乐器
  13. Tambourine - 铃鼓 Tambourine

艺人:Norah Jones

专辑:Come Away with Me

作词:Mark Knopfler

作曲:Mark Knopfler


I am Je-re-mi-ah Di-xon, I am a Geor - die boy. Glass of wine with you sir and the la- dies I'll enj oy all Dur-ham and North-um - ber-land is mea- sured up by my own hand It was my fate from birth to make my mark up-on the earth He calls me Char- lie Ma- son, a star- gaz-er am I It seems that I was born to chart the eve-ning sky They'd cut me out for ba-king bread But I had o-ther dreams in- stead This ba-ker's boy from the west coun-try Would join the Roy-al So-ci-e-ty We are sail-ing to Phil-a- del- phi- a A world a-way from the coa-ly Tyne Sail- ing to Phil-a- del- phi- a To draw the line The Ma-son Dix-on Line Now you're a good sur-vey- or Dix- on, but I swear you'll make me mad The West will kill us both, you gul-li-ble Geor-die lad You talk of li-ber-ty How can A-mer- i-ca be free A Geor-die and a ba- ker's boy In the for-ests of the I-ro-quois Now hold your head up, Ma-son See Am-e- ri-ca lies there The mor- ning tide has raised the capes of De-la-ware Come up and fee the sun A new mor-ning is be-gun A-no-ther day will make it clear Why your star should guide us here We are sail-ing to Phil-a- del- phi- a A world a-way from the coa-ly Tyne Sail- ing to Phil-a- del- phi- a To draw the line The Ma- son Dix-on Line The Ma- son Dix-on Line



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