Ga the -ring all the hid-den keys Turning rocks to dia monds I'll lead you in I will make it ea - sy now Turn un rest to com fort By my side you may close your eyes And I'll be your gui dance Come suf fe ring, let me be your me di cine Lay your hopes on me We're hun ting blind and aim less Em bra cing gods to feel their light We fell from grace right in the unknown I believe That in the end we could be something more But eve ry trace of who we are is gone Still I hope we could be the ones Be the ones And I see How we sur ren der for the end less greed And we do no thing to pre vent its spear To keep pier cing in to our hearts Ou r hearts Ope n minds un veil the dis guise Of the frien dly impos ter Who lures you in Wea ring a warm hear ted grin To leech off your vein We are done Fee ding the ma chine Lo sing trail of our o nly home We're hun ting blind and aim less Em bra cing gods to feel their light We fell from hope right in the un known A day will come A time to deal with what we did And our pride will crum ble down on us Some day we'll scream To raise our voice for our be lief To ge ther we can change the fate of all I believe That in the end we could be some thing more But ev ery trace of who we are is gone Still I hope we could be the ones Be the ones And I see How we sur ren der for the end less greed And we do no thing to pre vent its spear To keep pier cing in to our hearts Ou r hearts Our hearts