Around The World

Around The World吉他谱 Around The World吉他谱 Around The World吉他谱 Around The World吉他谱 Around The World吉他谱 Around The World吉他谱 Around The World吉他谱 Around The World吉他谱 Around The World吉他谱 Around The World吉他谱 Around The World吉他谱

标题:La La La La

副标题:Around the World

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 126

  1. 义爨 - 电颤琴 Vibraphone
  2. 描蜞疣 - 低音刷音 Scratch 1
  3. 拎 - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  4. 愉囵睇 - 敲击乐器
  5. 谚眚彗+妙腩 - 合成柔音(暖音) Pad 2 (warm)
  6. 描蜞疣 - 高音刷音 Scratch 2
注释:卿羼 尻蝠?钺疣犷蜿?礤 珥帼 赅 塍鼬 皲咫囹Delay青?..妁 漕痤骊 溴豚螯?!:)
标记:IntroVerseChorusVerse IIChorusSoloBridgeChorusOutro

艺人:Naked'round the block

专辑:X - treme


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