专辑:Run With the Hunted
作词:Peter Lennox, Leigh Daniel Avidan
作曲:Peter Lennox, Leigh Daniel Avidan
Do you a-gree with me? We're find-ing hope in dis-as-ter Aim it cas-ual-ly and I can't go an-y fas-ter than you are be-yond sight Howl-ing at the moon each night Howl-ing at the moon each night The veil you se-cret-ly will hide be-hind un-til af-ter You run eas-i-ly Far-ther than my hope could ask for Break o-pen the sky For-cing up a black sun-rise Break o-pen the sky For-cing up a black sun-rise Oo- h Oo- h Oo- h Oo- h Oo- h Oo- h Aa- h Aa- h Do you a-gree with me? We're find-ing hope in dis-as-ter Diff'-rent fre-quen-cies and I can't go an-y fas-ter than you are be-yond sight Howl-ing at the moon each night En-joy the scen-er-y Don't know how long it will last You say it dream-i-ly as if it al-read-y passed you by Break o-pen the sky forcing up a black sun-rise Break o-pen the sky forcing up a black sun-rise Break o-pen the sky It's more than I can leave be-hind