艺人:State Lines
Se-ven o-clock and I'm se-ven deep. Try-ing to shake off some chick who made my kne-es weak. I plan on wa-king in a pi-le of puke from a night spent dri-nking to fo-rg-et you. O-o-oo-o-ohhh O-o-oo-o-ohh-ohh-oh O-o-oo-o-ohhh O-o-oo-o-ohh-ohh-oh I think I found bra-ve-ry, he was dressed in wood and strings. I em-braced him as a friend and have been lau-ghing at dan-ger ev-er since. If this is gro-wing up, Ive been a chi-ld far too long cause I am poised to take on the world with this bot-tle of Jack on your front lawn. But Im not tell-ing yo-u-u-u-u, Cause I dont want to be the bear-er of bad news, Cause Id ra-ther not up-set you. You said that eve-ry-bo-dy runs, well you were the one I ran to. But youre not here a-ny-more, case and point: That is why Im passed out on this bath-room floor. I guess eve-ry-one was right when they said I had a lit-tle more than I should-ve in the first place, lets talk a-bout your face and how I wont ne-ver e-ver see it a-gain, dont fu-cking show your face a-gain. O-o-oo-o-ohhh O-o-oo-o-ohh-ohh-oh O-o-oo-o-ohhh O-o-oo-o-ohh-ohh-oh You said the on-ly place that you felt safe was in your hum-ble home. Well dar-ling, I could-nt find the key so I threw a ce-llo through your win-d-o-w. Youre not safe in your house now. Youre not safe in your house a-ny-more. Youre not safe in your house now. Youre not safe in your house a-ny-more.