艺人:Silver End
专辑:Conquer The Silence
作词:Christian Ler
作曲:Christian Ler
[Verse1:] Through the lens of de-spair The well of in-for-ma-tion De-ceives the foun-da-tion once more [Verse 2:] Through the scope of the lies We're cra-ving de-cla-ra-tion with-out de-di-ca-tion And through no fault of our own we're fai-ling [Chorus:] Safe to say we ne-glect the world The mo-ments pa-ssing by so slow re-duced to ma-chines and de-lay We trea-sure the me-mories and swa-llow the key em-bra-cing the one we used to be [Verse 3:] Stand to-ge-ther as one a lone-some ce-le-bra-tion Se-clu-ded we share and in-form [Verse 4:] Stare in-to the a-byss A-void the con-ver-sa-tion A dead con-cen-tra-tion And as we re-vel in time It's O-ver [Chorus:] Safe to say we ne-glect the world The mo-ments pa-ssing by so slow re-duced to ma-chines and de-lay We trea-sure the me-mories and swa-llow the key em-bra-cing the one we used to be [Bridge:] [We ne-glect the ones who care with false pre-ten-ses in what we share we ne-glect what ma-tters most] Safe to say we ne-glect the world The mo-ments pa-ssing by so slow Re-duced to ma-chines and de-lay Hold on to the me-mories and cast now a-way Em-bra-cing the bliss of ye-ster-day [The cor-ner-stones of the past pill-ars that last for-e-ver]