艺人:Wishbone Ash
I抳e got to rear-ran-ge my life, I抳e got to rear-ran-ge my world. I miss you, I need you. I抳e got to keep my memories aside, I抳e got to try to li-ve a-gain. Time was when there were things a-round To be a-fraid of. I抳e got cause, I抳e e-ven chan-ged my mind To turn the ta-bles. Time was when there's no need to stop And re-ar-range it. Now I抳e got a me-mo-ry And I don抰 want to change it. And there抯 a time for wa-king up And fee-ling down, It抯 when you have to pick your feet Up from the ground. Time was when I had you a-round I was a strong man- I need you to help me make the chan-ge And be a new man. Takes mo-re than a day and a night For gi-ving. It抯 not so ea-sy just to chan-ge your way Of li-ving. Time was when there were things a-round To bo-ther me. The crime was, I coul-dn抰 start To chan-ge my his-to-ry.