艺人:Avenged Sevenfold
专辑:City of Evil
作词:Matthew Sanders, James Sullivan, Brian Haner Jr., Zachary Baker
作曲:Avenged Sevenfold
Seize the day or die re-gret-ting the time you lost.__ It's emp ty and cold with out you here,_ too man y peo ple to ache o ver.__ I see my vi sion burn I feel my me mories fade with time but I'm too young to wor ry These streets we travel on will undergo our same lost past I found you here, now please just stay for a while I can move on with you a round I hand you my mor tal life, but will it be for e ver? I'd do a ny thing for a smile, hold ing you 'til our time is done We both know the day will come, but don't want to leave you I see my vi sion burn, I feel my memories fade with time But I'm too young to wor ry (a melody, memory, just one pic ture) Seize the day or die re-gret-ting the time you lost.__ It's emp ty and cold with out you here,_ too man y peo ple to ache o ver. Newborn life replacing all of us, changing this fa ble we live in No long er need ed here so where do we go? Will you take a journey tonight, follow me past the walls of death? But girl, what if there is no e ter nal life? I see my vi sion burn, I feel my memories fade with time But I'm too young to wor ry (a melody, memory, just one pic ture) Seize the day or die re-gret-ting the time you lost.__ It's emp ty and cold with out you here,_ too man y peo ple to ache o ver.__ Trials in life, questions of us e xis ting here, don't wanna die a lone with out you here Please tell me what we have is real So, what if I ne ver hold you, yeah, or kiss your lips a gain? Woooaaah, so I never want to leave you and the memories of us to see beg don't leave me Seize the day or die re-gret-ting the time you lost.__ It's emp ty and cold with out you here,_ too man y peo ple to ache o ver.__ Trials in life, questions of us e xis ting here, don't wanna die a lone with out you here Please tell me what we have is real Si lence you lost me, no chance for one more day Si lence you lost me, no chance for one more day Si lence you lost me, no chance for one more day Si lence you lost me, no chance for one more day Si lence you lost me, no chance for one more day Si lence you lost me, no chance for one more day
帖子: 621