Sleigh bells ring, are you list-'nin'? In the lane snow is glist-'nin'. A beau-ti-ful sight, we're hap-py to-night, walk-in' in a win-ter won-der-land. Gone a- way is the blue bird. In his place is the new bird. He's sing-in' our song, as we go a-long, land In the mead-ow we can build a snow-man and pre-tend that he is Par-son Brown. He'll say, "Are you mar-ried?" We'll say, "No, man, but you can do the job when you're in town." Lat-er on we'll con-spire- as we dream by the fire- to face un-a-fraid, the plans that we made, walk-in' in a win-ter won-der-land. land. land. In the mead-ow we can build a snow-man and pre-tend that he's a cir-cus clown. We'll have lots of fun with Mis-ter Snow-man un-til the oth-er kid-dies knoch him down. When it snows, ain't it thrill-in', though you know kids are chil-lin'? We'll frol-lick and play the Es-ki-mo way,