艺人:Emerson, Lake & Palmer
专辑:Brain Salad Surgery
作曲:Greg Lake
Do you wan-na be an an-gel? Do you wan-na be a star? Do you wan-na play some mag-ic on my gui-tar? Do you wa-na be a po-et? Do you wan-na be my string? You could be an-y- thing Do you wan-na be the lov-er of an-oth-er un-der-cov-er? You could e-ven be the man on the moon Do you wan-na be the play-er? Do you wan-na be the string? Let me tell you some-thing it just don't mean a thing You see, it real-ly does-n't mat-ter when you're bur-ied in dis-guise by the dark glass on your eyes Though your flesh has crys-tal-lized Still... you turn me on Still... you turn me on ooh Mm... you turn me on Do you wan-na be the pil-low where I lay my head? Do you wan-na be the feath-ers ly-ing in my bed? Do you wan-na be the col-our co-ver mag- a-zine, cre-ate a scene? Ev-'ry day a lit-tle sad-der a lit-tle mad-der Some-one get me a lad-der Do you wan-na be the sing-er? Do you wan-na be the song? Let me tell you some-thing you just could-n磘 be more wrong You see I real-ly have to tell you that it all gets so in-tense From my ex-pe-ri-ence it just does-n't seem to make sense Still... you turn me on Mm... you turn me on Mm... you turn me on