艺人:Black Sabbath
作词:Tony Iommi, Bill Ward, Geezer Butler, Ozzy Osbourne
作曲:Tony Iommi, Bill Ward, Geezer Butler, Ozzy Osbourne
I'm look ing through a hole in the sky _ I'm see ing no where thru the eyes of a lie _ I'm get ting clo ser to the end of the line _ I'm liv ing ea sy where the sun does n't shine _ I'm liv ing in a room with out an y view _ I'm liv ing free be cause the rent's ne ver due _ The syn o nym of all the things that I've said _ Are just the rid dles that are built in my head _ Hole in the sky _ gate way to hea ven Win dow in time _ through it I fly I've seen the stars that dis ap pear in the sun _ But shoo ting's ea sy if you got the right gun _ And e ven tho I'm sit ting wai ting for Mars _ I don't be lieve there's an y fu ture in cause _ Hole in the sky _ gate way to hea ven Win dow in time _ through it I fly. Yeah! I've watched the dogs of war en joy ing their feast _ I've seen the wes tern world go down in the east _ The food of love be came the greed of our time _ But now we're li ving on the pro fits of crime _