The Great Depression

The Great Depression吉他谱 The Great Depression吉他谱 The Great Depression吉他谱 The Great Depression吉他谱 The Great Depression吉他谱 The Great Depression吉他谱 The Great Depression吉他谱 The Great Depression吉他谱 The Great Depression吉他谱 The Great Depression吉他谱 The Great Depression吉他谱

标题:The Great Depression

制谱人:Nick (

拎疣徉睇 襦 镱溽桊嚯 磬 耠篚, 蜞 黩 蜞镪囔 
礤 觇溧螯?)))
 犟蜞蜩  镥疴钽 痂趑 铋 镥耥 沭箫镟 
Contra La Contra 镳桎箪嚯 "如 鞲痦铋 疱玷睇 
皲咫囗 怆囫螯", 觐蝾痼  疣礤 镱溽桊嚯, 溧 
镳铖? 戾? 踵痄觐瘌桕?))

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 195

  1. Guitar - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  2. Bass - 拨片拨电贝司 Electric Bass(pick)
  3. Drums - 敲击乐器
注释:旗 F5 Noises noises

艺人:Misery Index

Storm clouds spreading
Black horizons oil slick the southern sky
What prospects should I gather here to motivate my corpse to rise?
My eyes reject the staleness of this day
And 'reason' gives purpose for all the pills i have to swallow
My heart is dead and hollow
Metal boxes racing by
Ringing out the death of my life
Machines buzzing
Towers looming the antithesis of nature
Entering this asphalt tomb- self - interest my prime dictator.

Now that i stand to carry the weight - try to conceive me that it's all for
Now that i stand to carry the weight
I lie to i living-dead?

Four walls surround me with wires outstretched- the triumph of time over
The modus vivendi- each man for himself
Each alone
And each an island

Get me out of this hole somehow...get me out of this hole right
Great depression


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