艺人:Blackmore's Night
Si-lent she rose from cold de-sert sands pain-ted in sha-dows a dark ca-ra- van Quiet as a whis-per with moves like a cat she ruled like a storm cloud her eyes glow-ing black Oh and they cried Ma-la-gue-na wait for me Ma-la-gue-na I re-mem-ber it well oh and they cried Ma-la-gue-na wait for me Ma-la-gue-na I re-mem-ber it I re-mem-ber it I re-mem-ber it well And now thwy rise like a wave on the sea lost in a rhy-thm and e-ver they'll be Oh and they cried Ma-la-gue-na wait for me Ma-la-gue-na I re-mem-ber it well oh and they cried Ma-la-gue-na wait for me Ma-la-gue-na I re-mem-ber it I re-mem-ber it well oh too well And so they rode on wings of a song spin-ning in si-lence the world was their own two lo-vers locked in the arms of the dance free- dom be- gins with the game of+the+dance