标题:Castlevania 2(恶魔城2) - Monster Dance

标签: 总谱

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 110

  1. Track 1 - 合成主音2(锯齿波) Lead 2 (sawtooth)
  2. Track 2 - 开音三角铁 Open Triangle
  3. Track 3 - 中高音嗵鼓 Hi-Mid Tom
  4. Track 4 - 中高音嗵鼓 Hi-Mid Tom
  5. Track 5 - 节拍器重音 Metronome Bell
  6. Track 6 - 敲击乐器


Take a free fall x4

Close your eyes
Let your mind go
The unification of desire
Dance, take you higher
Describe the feeling you get
You're inside as much harder

Your eyes, closed
Your arms become lighter
You breathe to the beat
Breathe to the beat
Your pulse steady
Your legs are no longer a part of you
Your lips sererate and fly away

Take a free fall x4

You're not bowed to time or space x2
And all the parts of the old you
The you you once knew
Travel, fall into trance

Take a free fall x5



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