Legend of Zelda(塞尔达传说) - Great Fairy’s Fountain(大精灵之泉)
塞尔达传说——时之笛 - Great Fairy's Fountain - The Legend of Zelda - Ocarina of Time 独奏
标题:Great Fairy's Fountain
标签: 指弹
制谱人:Great fairy's fontain
指示:Standard tuning
Tabbed 06-06-2011 Revised 13-04-2015
节拍:Moderately Slow ♩ = 55
艺人:Isac Saleh
作曲:Koji Kondo
Great Fairy's Fountain.gp5 2016-2-3 19:27上传
3.35 KB , 下载次数: 1285
动漫游戏 + 关注
帖子: 19713 关注: 97