On The Edge Of Honour

On The Edge Of Honour吉他谱 On The Edge Of Honour吉他谱 On The Edge Of Honour吉他谱 On The Edge Of Honour吉他谱 On The Edge Of Honour吉他谱 On The Edge Of Honour吉他谱 On The Edge Of Honour吉他谱 On The Edge Of Honour吉他谱 On The Edge Of Honour吉他谱 On The Edge Of Honour吉他谱 On The Edge Of Honour吉他谱 On The Edge Of Honour吉他谱 On The Edge Of Honour吉他谱

标题:On the Edge of Honour

制谱人:written by poowackel

节拍:♩ = 145

  1. Guitar 1 - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  2. Guitar 1 support - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  3. Guitar 1 Solo harmonic - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  4. Guitar 2 - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  5. Bass - 拨片拨电贝司 Electric Bass(pick)
  6. Drum - 敲击乐器
  7. Vocal lead - 双簧管 Oboe
  8. Vocal background - 大管 Bassoon
标记:Intro 0:00Vers1 0:17Interlude 0:57Vers2 1:04Refrain 1:31Drum Fill 1:58Solo 2:05Fast Part 2:18Bridge 2:32Little Solo 2:46Fast Solo Part + Vocal 3:12Interlude 3:26Vers 3 3:39Refrain 4:06Ending 4:34


专辑:Crimson Thunder

作词:Cans, Dronjak



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