Marquee Moon

Marquee Moon吉他谱 Marquee Moon吉他谱 Marquee Moon吉他谱 Marquee Moon吉他谱 Marquee Moon吉他谱 Marquee Moon吉他谱 Marquee Moon吉他谱 Marquee Moon吉他谱 Marquee Moon吉他谱 Marquee Moon吉他谱 Marquee Moon吉他谱

标题:Marquee Moon

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 122

  1. Gtr 1 - Clean Left - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  2. Gtr 2 - Clean Right - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  3. Gtr 3 - Overdrive Middle Lead - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  4. Gtr 4 - Solo Rhythm Clean Middle - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  5. Gtr 1 - Clean Left - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  6. Untitled - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
歌曲: Marquee Moon


专辑:Marquee Moon


I remember
Ooo how the darkness doubled
I recall
Lightning struck itself

I was listening
Listening to the rain
I was hearing
Hearing something else

Life in the hive puckered up my night,
A kiss of death, the embrace of life
Ooo there I stand neath the Marquee Moon,
Just waiting

I spoke to a man
Down at the tracks
And I ask him
How he don't go mad
He said 'Look here junior, don't you be so happy
And for Heaven's sake, don't you be so sad'

Life in the hive puckered up my night,
The kiss of death, the embrace of life
Ooo there I stand neath the Marquee Moon,

Well a Cadillac
It pulled out of the graveyard
Pulled up to me
All they said 'get in', get in
Then the Cadillac
It puttered back into the graveyard
Me, I got out again

Life in the hive puckered up my night,
A kiss of death, the embrace of life
Ooo there I stand neath the Marquee Moon,
I ain't waiting nuh ah

I remember
How the darkness doubled
I recall
Lightning struck itself

I was listening
Listening to the rain
I was hearing
Hearing something else


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