Creamsicle Sunset

Creamsicle Sunset吉他谱 Creamsicle Sunset吉他谱 Creamsicle Sunset吉他谱 Creamsicle Sunset吉他谱 Creamsicle Sunset吉他谱 Creamsicle Sunset吉他谱

标题:Creamsicle Sunset

标签: 电吉他

制谱人:Josh Underwood (Ashen7)

Naturally, a song like this that has so much whammy bar use is going to be difficult to transcribe and make sound right with midi. I've done my best to get as close as possible, but there will be sections where it doesn't sound quite right. Just listen to the recording to hear what you're shooting for. It really isn't too difficult of a song, but it requires a lot of subtle whammy dynamics to get sounding right. Also, I'm not very good at transcribing chords, so some may be slightly off. All in all though, this tab is pretty close.
  1. Jazz Guitar - 爵士乐电吉他 Electric Guitar (jazz)

w/ barpick at bridgedon't pickpick near bridgeraise w/barPick at bridge

艺人:Steve Vai

专辑:The Story of Light




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