Micro Cuts

Micro Cuts吉他谱 Micro Cuts吉他谱 Micro Cuts吉他谱 Micro Cuts吉他谱 Micro Cuts吉他谱 Micro Cuts吉他谱

标题:Micro Cuts

制谱人:Robin (Thepluginbaby@aol.com)

节拍:♩ = 150

  1. Matt - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  2. Chris - 合成主音8(低音加主音) Lead 8 (bass+lead)
  3. Dom - 敲击乐器
注释:Avec un larsen entre chacune des attaques
歌曲: Micro Cuts


专辑:Origin of symmetry



Album:Origin Of Symmetry
Title:Micro Cuts
hands are red with your blame
megaphone screaming my name
whimpers someone i should've loved
souls weeping above
i've seen what you're doing to me
destroying puppet strings
to our souls
micro waves me insane
a blaine cuts in your brain
sounds like forks on a plate
blackboard scratched with hate
i've seen what you're doing to me
destroying puppet strings
to our souls


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