This tab is based on various live performances of the
song and represents the way it was played on tour in
1989-1990, (the guitar). Bass and drums are the
recorded version.
Performance notes:
Bar 4 - Bar dive, Depress the bar half an step and then
release it.
Bar 5 - Bend the string right behind the nut and, one
step and then release.
Bar 5 - Artificial tap harmonic, finger the chord/notes as
normal and then tap the same strings 12 frets up, in this
case the 17th frets, to cause a artificial harmonic.
Also works where ever there is a harmonic, eg. 5, 7, 9
and 12 frets up.
Bar 27 - Bar dip, depress the bar slightly before hitting
the not. Release imedietly after the note is played.