[INTRO] [VERSE 1] 1.+A, war-locks in won-der-land. + I've got a, a meg-a-trop-o-lis in my hand + and a... sub-ter-ra-ne-an march-ing + band. + I'm mak-in' noise for the boys in the Vat-i-can. + And a, a lit-tle pack-age and off we go. + Oh, tick-y, tick-y, tock-it-a, tic tac toe. + I know... ev-'ry-bod-y is Es-ki-mo. + We got an-oth-er thing com-in' and that's our show, + well. [CHORUS] Ev-'ry night I go look-in' for + you, ev-'ry-one in the world a-dores + you. A lit-tle pock-et of some-thin' kind to find your rea -son. Com-in' up on it ev-'ry day, + for look at me, and it's what I stay + for. A lit-tle lock-et of fan-ta-sy that we be-lieve + in. [INTERLUDE] [VERSE 2] 2.+A, li-lacs and con-tra-band. + I've got San-ta Mon-i-ca in my hand. + A lit-tle... Beat-le ma-ni-a when I can. + I've got two big bags of Old Ja-pan. + Aw, ring-side, and blow by blow. + An-oth-er... main e-vent at the old rain-bow. + We're com-in'... right on top of the tu-pe-lo, + a when she looks a just like Bri-gitte Bar-dot. [CHORUS] Ev-'ry night I go look-in' for + you, ev-'ry-one in the world a-dores + you. A lit-tle pock-et of some-thin' kind to find your rea -son. Com-in' up on it ev-'ry day, + for look at me, and it's what I stay + for. A lit-tle lock-et of fan-ta-sy that we be-lieve + in. [INTERLUDE] [BRIDGE] Make a deal + with Un-cle Wee -zer, sign your name to claim. + Ch, Chi-na Chow + will try to please + her, sweet-ness came from Jane. + + + [GUITAR SOLO] Whoa. Ba, ba, ba, ba, + ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, + ba, ba, ba, ba, + ba. [VERSE 3] 3.+A, war-locks in won-der-land. + I got a... a rock-a-pot-a-mus in my hand + with a... hap-py end-ing that's made of sand. With a lit-tle bit of lov-in' is all I can. + + [CHORUS] Ev-'ry night I go look-in' for + you, ev-'ry-one in the world a-dores + you. A lit-tle pock-et of some-thin' kind to find your rea -son. Com-in' up on it ev-'ry day, + for look at me, and it's what I stay + for. A lit-tle lock-et of fan-ta-sy that we be-lieve + in. Ev-'ry night I go look-in' for + you, ev-'ry-one in the world a-dores + you. A lit-tle pock-et of some-thin' kind to find your rea -son. Com-in' up on it ev-'ry day, + for look at me, and it's what I stay + for. A lit-tle lock-et of fan-ta-sy that we be-lieve + in now. +