Lagriamas De Granda

Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱 Lagriamas De Granda吉他谱

标题:Lagriamas De Granda


In this selection you will hear the feel of the Arabic/Spanish influence in flamenco. For 800 years, regions of southern Spain were ruled by the Moors from North Africa, until they were driven out by the campaigns of Isabel and Ferdinand in 1492. This composition, "Lagrimas de Granada" was inspired by the last Arabic kinf who abandoned the city of Granada becuase it could not be saved from takeover by Christian armies. Legends says that while fleeing to the outskirts of the city, the King, Abu 'Abd Allah- known in Spain as Boabdil "el chico" - wept while being admonished by his old nursemaid: "You cry like a child for what you could not defend as a man". This emotional piece is a Granainas
  1. Nylon Guitar - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)

Ppppa tempoa tempo



沙发 安德鲁


板凳 古典琴痴
