We Hold The Key

We Hold The Key吉他谱 We Hold The Key吉他谱 We Hold The Key吉他谱 We Hold The Key吉他谱 We Hold The Key吉他谱 We Hold The Key吉他谱 We Hold The Key吉他谱 We Hold The Key吉他谱 We Hold The Key吉他谱 We Hold The Key吉他谱 We Hold The Key吉他谱 We Hold The Key吉他谱

标题:We Hold The Key

标签: 总谱

制谱人:SaNjUa (sanjua_ym@hotmail.com)

---lo mejor transcripto es la guitarra, lo demas esta  para 

no a las papeleras... we hold the key... 01/02/07

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 90

  1. Guitarra Ritmica - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  2. Teclado - 弱音康加 Mute Hi Conga
  3. Teclado 2 - 中国镲 Chinese Cymbal
  4. Guitarra Acustica - 小军鼓滚奏 Snare Roll
  5. Bateria - 敲击乐器
  6. Voz - 沙锤 Shaker
  7. Solo - 低音刷音 Scratch 1
标记:Seccion 1Seccion 2Secci髇 3Secci髇 4Secci髇 4Secci髇 5Secci髇 6Secci髇 7Solo de GuitarraSecci髇 8


专辑:Fourth Dimension


作曲:Timo Tolkki


I'm loo-king as the mor-ning sun ri-ses, be-fore my ve-ry eyes, re-vea-ling all this bea-u-u-ty-y... Ques-tions fill my mi-nd once a-gain clea-ring m-y thoughts, have I be-en bl-i-n-d.... Now i se-e!!! The hole is ge-tting bi-gger in the sky, do you know the rea-son why no-bo-dy seems to c-a-r-e? E-very-thing is so well in your life, did you e-ver give a dime to things that yo-u rea-lly be-lieved? The fu-ture will sh-o-w what ha-pens to o-u-r world. We hold the key to the door of salva-ti-on e-ter-na-lly. We hold the key to minds, to the fu-ture of man-kind. It's time to wake up from your dre-a-ms, to re-a-li-ty... This can't go on be-lie-ve me! If you just turn your head a-way will to-mo-rrow be te same, try to foresee. The fu-ture will sh-o-w what ha-pens to o-u-r world. We hold the key to the door o-f salva-ti-on e-ter-na-lly. We hold the key to minds, to the fu-ture of man-kind. What will we find? Moun-tains to climb... Mo-re des-truc-tion and ha-tred we'll dis-co-ver. Su-dden-ly sounds a-wake me: birds sin-ging bea-u-ti-fu-ly, may-be there is ho-pe still left in this world... We hold the key to the door of salva-ti-on e-ter-na-lly. We hold the key to minds, to the fu-ture of man-kind. We hold the key to the door of salva-ti-on e-ter-na-lly. We hold the key to minds, to the fu-ture of man-kind.



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