专辑:Vengence Falls
my anx i et y's claw ing out from deep with in me it burns with in as my throat be gins to cau der ize this ne ga ti vi ty's lee ching an y shred of com po sure ra tion ale has de cayed an left me bound in ma d ness I reach for calm i starve for a ba lance un known this bur den tor tures me deep in my soul i've found that strife wont make the blee ding stop nor will it take a way the pain i feel like this search is all in vain and i strug gle to find my way how i yearn for the si lence for an end to the voic es the ca la mi ty grows and the de af ness leads to di sa ray guilt bur ies me a live in a cof fin cri ti ci zed i shou ldered the blame and dug this hole for me to lay in I reach for calm i starve for a ba lance un known this bur den tor tures me deep in my soul i've found that strife wont make the blee ding stop nor will it take a way the pain i feel like this search is all in vain and i strug gle to find my way i've found that strife wont make the blee ding stop nor will it take a way the pain i feel like this search has been all in vain and i strug gle to find my way hey hey hey hey hey hey hey hey i've found that strife wont make the blee ding stop nor will it take a way the pain i feel like this search is all in vain and i strug gle to find my way i've found that strife wont make the blee ding stop nor will it take a way the pain i feel like this search has been all in vain and i strug gle to find my way I reach for calm i starve for a ba lance un known this bur den tor tures me deep in my soul dug this hole for me to lay in I reach for calm i starve for a ba lance un known this bur den tor tures me deep in my soul nor will it take a way the pain i feel like this search is all in vain i've found that strife wont make the blee ding stop nor will it take a way the pain i feel like this search has been all in vain and i strug gle to find my way i've found that strife wont make the blee ding stop nor will it take a way the pain i feel like this search has been all in vain i've found that strife wont make the blee ding stop nor will it take a way the pain i feel like this search is all in vain and i strug gle to find my way i've found that strife wont make the blee ding stop nor will it take a way the pain i feel like this search has been all in vain and i strug gle to find my way