Let It Go

Let It Go吉他谱 Let It Go吉他谱 Let It Go吉他谱 Let It Go吉他谱 Let It Go吉他谱 Let It Go吉他谱 Let It Go吉他谱 Let It Go吉他谱 Let It Go吉他谱

标题:Let it go - Rock ver.

副标题:Rock ver.(吉他社www.jitashe.net)

标签: 总谱

Recommended Instruments :

Elec1 - Axis
Elec2 - Luke (HSS)
Bass - Stingray 4
Drum - Sonor
Piano - Fazioli
  1. Vocal - 人声“嘟”音 Voice Oohs
  2. Lead Guitar - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  3. Second Guitar - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  4. Bass - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  5. Drumkit - 敲击乐器
  6. Grand Piano - 大钢琴 Acoustic Grand Piano

Crunch Tone

艺人:Idina Menzel

专辑:Frozen OST


The snow glows white on the moun- tain to- night, [] not a foot- print []to be seen [] [] A king- dom of i- [] so- la- [] tion, [] and it looks like [] I'm the queen... [] The wind [] is how- [] ing like [] this swirl- [] ing storm [] in- side [] Could- n't keep it in, [] hea- ven knows I [] tried.. Don't let [] them in, [] Don't let [] them see Be the good girl you al- ways have to be [] con- ceal, [] don't feel, [] don't let [] them know - Well now [] they know! [] Let it go, [] Let it go, [] Can't hold it back a- ny- more. [] Let it go, [] Let it go, - Turn- a- way [] and slam [] the [] do- or I don't care [] what they're going to say, [] Let the storm rage on [] The cold ne- ver bo- thered me a- ny- way. It's fun- ny how some dis- [] tance makes ev'- ry- thing seem small, And the fears that once con- trolled [] me can't get to me at all It's time to see [] what I can do, [] To test the li- [] mits and break through No right, no wrong, [] no rules for me, [] I'm free! [] [] [] Let it go, [] Let it go, [] I'm one [] with the wind and sk- - y [] Let it go, [] Let it go- [] [] You'll ne [] ver see [] me- [] cr- y [] He- re I stand [] and he- re I stay [] Let the storm rage on [] [] My po- wer flur- [] ries through the air [] in- to the ground [] [] My soul is spi- [] ral- ling in fro- [] zen frac- tals all [] a- [] round [] [] And one thought crys- [] tal- li- zes like [] an i- cy blast [] [] I'm ne- ver go- [] ing back, The past is in the past [] [] [] Let it go, [] Let it go, [] And I'll rise [] like the break of da- wn [] [] [] Let it go, [] Let it go, [] That per- [] fect girl [] i- s go- ne He- re I stand [] in the light of day [] [] [] [] [] Let the storm rage on! [] [] [] The cold ne- ver bo- thered me a- ny- way

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