When the sun has died 日光已逝
When the angels are blind 天使目盲
When the fog lies thick 迷雾沉厚
over the palace of god 于神殿上
When the fullmoon lights the earth 满月耀地
When the the wolves gather in the open 群狼野聚
When blood rains from heaven high 雨雪天降
and from the pearly gates 皆从天宇
When Jehova's hordes are slaughtered 群屠信徒
When disciples twelve are dead 死至十二
When beliefs of easter lands 殉者之岛
are raped and raped again 反复奸虐
When the whore of babylon rides 巴妓乘骑
When pity turns to hate 怜转为恨
When all sons of satan 撒旦众子
sodomise the lambs of Christ 鸡奸信人
When the gates have all been opened 众门开启
When the funerals never end 丧礼无终
When Satans power paint our hearts 魔者绘心
and satisfies our souls 意达魂众
When witches burn the priests 女巫烧神
When the ancient one returns 始古重返
When the demons ride the nuns 邪驭尼者
with their horns of dark desire 麟角之暗