艺人:Judas Priest
专辑:Ram It Down
作词:R. Halford
作曲:R. Halford
When the pow er chords come crash ing down Go tear ing through my sen ses It's for the strong, not for the weak In light and dark di men sions It stim u lates, re gen er ates It's ther a peu tic heal ing It lifts our feet up off the ground And blasts us through the cei ling Bet ween the eyes I hear it scream ing And it e lec tri fies Your inn er feel ings Hot shock waves charge the air All heads are bang ing Fists pump ing eve ry where Guit ars are crank ing Hea vy Me tal. Hea vy Me tal What do you want? Hea vy Me tal. Hea vy Me tal What do you want? Ten thous and lights come blaz ing down With ra zor sharp pre cis ion The speak ers pour out molt en steel The beat gives doub le vis ion An ar mour plate d rag ing beast That's born of steel and leat her It will sur vive a gainst all odds Stam ped ing on for ev er Bet ween the eyes I hear it scream ing And it e lec tri fies Your inn er feel ings Hot shock waves charge the air All heads are bang ing Fists pump ing eve ry where Guit ars are crank ing Hea vy Me tal. Hea vy Me tal What do you want? Hea vy Me tal. Hea vy Me tal What do you want? Hea vy Me tal. Hea vy Me tal WHAT DO YOU WANT?! Hot shock waves charge the air All heads are bang ing Fists pump ing eve ry where Guit ars are crank ing Hea vy Me tal. Hea vy Me tal What do you want? Hea vy Me tal. Hea vy Me tal What do you want? Hea vy Me tal. Hea vy Me tal What do you want? Hea vy Me tal. Hea vy Me tal What do you want? Hea vy Me tal. Hea vy Me tal What do you want? Hea vy Me tal. Hea vy Me tal What do you want? Hea vy Me tal. Hea vy Me tal What do you want? Hea vy Me tal. Hea vy Me tal What do you want?