标题:Canon Rock
副标题:Release From Johann Pachelbel
标签: 总谱
This Tab is a correction to the previous one, the
battery has been modified completely and as much the
bass as 2 guitar has been completed. The three
stringed instruments have been completed. Thanks to
the original tabber for this.
Esta Tablatura es una correcci髇 a la anterior, la
bater韆 ha sido modificada por completo y tanto el bajo
como la 2 guitarra han sido completados. Los tres
instrumentos de cuerda han sido completados. Gracias
al tabuleador original por realizarla.
- It's highly recommended to Turn on the RSE option in
the "Sound" menu, "use RSE (Realistic Sound
Engine), or by pressing the F2 key on the keyboard.
- Es altamente recomendado Encender la opci髇 de
RSE en el men "Sonido", "Usar RSE (Realistic
Sound Engine), o presionando la tecla F2 en el
- It's highly recommended to Turn on the "Dinamic
Notes" in the "View" menu, "Show 'Dinamic Notes'",
or by pressing the F11 key on the keyboard, to check
the variability of the sound on the drums.
- Es altamente recomendado Encender las "Notas
Din醡icas" en el men "Pantalla", "Mostrar Din醡ica
Notas", o presionando la tecla F11 del teclado para
revisar la variable de las notas en la bater韆.
Enjoy playing "Canon Rock".
Disfruten tocando "Canon Rock".
节拍:Moderate ♩ = 100
- Contrabajo - 低音提琴 Contrabass
- Viol韓 - 电子小鼓 Electric Snare
- Viola - 低音落地嗵鼓 Low Floor Tom
- Guitarra Solist. - 高音刷音 Scratch 2
- Guitarra Acomp. - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
- Bajo - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
- Bater韆 - 敲击乐器
注释:Tab mixed for RSE use; tablatura mezclada para RSE Thanks To the original Tabber for this.Tab mixed for RSE use; tablatura mezclada para RSE
标记:Pre: IntroIntroMelody; Melod韆Outro; Salida