专辑:Coma of Souls
作词:Fioretti, Gosdzik, Kreator ...
作曲:Mille PEtrozza
Don't look at me 别这么看着我
as if I didn't know就好像我不知道似的
Your vanity 你的虚荣心
is all you ever show已淋漓尽致的呈现出来
What you believe and advocate你所信仰和鼓吹的
Fanatic dogma 那些狂热的教条
recycled from yesterday不过是在重复昔日的谬论
Got a master plan处心积虑
Can't understand不可理喻
People of the lie欺世盗名
You are to me 你对于我
the waste of flesh and blood只是一滩腐烂的血肉
I'd love to see you 你的下场
buried in the mud就是被污泥掩埋
And when you die当你死后
no one will she'd a tear没人会为你掉一滴眼泪
So pass me by 所以省省吧
don't need your hatred here没人会信你宣扬的仇恨
Got a master plan处心积虑
Can't understand不可理喻
People of the lie欺世盗名
intolerance, 心胸狭隘
eye for an eye睚眦必报
You cannot hide 你已无处可躲
behind those empty claims在你的弥天大谎之后
Your racist pride 你的种族优越
is nothing but a game不过是自欺欺人的把戏
And you will lose 你终将失败
for right is on the side因为正义站在
Of those who choose to fight for humankind
Got a master plan
Can't understand
People of the lie
You can't believe别被蛊惑
Don't be deceived别被误导