
Courage吉他谱 Courage吉他谱 Courage吉他谱


标签: 总谱

制谱人:Joey De Maio

demorou....mas consegui tirar ela....a parte do 
piano...strings...tudo de ouvido....naum foi mole 
naum....valeu a pena ...hehe....divirta-se...metaaal 

节拍:♩ = 120

和弦:Bm F#m G Em

  1. Karl Logan - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  2. Karl Logan - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  3. Strings - 弦乐合奏1 String Ensemble 1
  4. Chorus - 合唱“啊”音 Choir Aahs
  5. Piano - 亮音大钢琴 Bright Acoustic Piano
  6. Joey De Maio - 拨片拨电贝司 Electric Bass(pick)
  7. Scott Columbus - 敲击乐器
歌曲: Courage


专辑:Louder than hell




by N/A
Some want to think hope is lost see me stand alone
I can抰 do what others may want then I抣l have no home

So for now wave good-bye and leave your hands held high
Hear this song of courage long into the night
So for now wave good-bye leave your hands held high
Hear this song of courage long into the night

And the wind will bear my cry to all who hope to fly
Hear this song of courage ride into the night

Battles are fought by those with the courage to believe
They are won by those who find the heart
Find a heart to share
This heart that fills the soul will point the way to victory
If there抯 a fight then I抣l be there I抣l be there

So for now wave good-bye, leave your hands held high
Hear this song of courage long into the night
And the wind will bear my cry to all who hope to fly
Lift your wings up high my friend fearless to the end
So for now wave good-bye, leave your hands held high
Hear this song of courage long into the night



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