专辑:Half The World Is Watching Me
作词:Jonas Bjerre
From my boat I can see your house And when the lights are off I can watch you mo-ve Hear the wind whis pe ring your name Twice the en cou rage ment Of the re al yo u x x x Cal lie if you real ly want me to I can al ways get you down If you get the mo ney for me Cal lie in the sum mer rain You will be kept dry you see If you got the mo ney for me You can run a way Leave your books be hind you But you should look back twise Just to be on the save side From my boat I can see your house But now the lights are off And there is no one home You are just like an a va lanche Cold as I might have guessed But at least I'm co vered up for now In a big, big way I am real ly small I get off my feet But I'm still dis tant Don't you just love good byes? Don't you just love good byes? x x x Cal lie let us get it o ver with I can al ways get you down If you got the mo ney for me I won't care for you Like I'm really s'posed to There are things I'll do That could real ly hurt you Don't you just love good byes? Don't you just love good byes? Don't you just love good byes? Don't you just love good byes? Don't you just love good byes? Don't you just love good byes? Don't you just love good byes? 1 5 6