专辑:Black Seeds Of Vengeance
The scourge of Amalek is upon you
The seed of Amu hath oppressed you
They hath urinated upon you
And made you to eat feces
They know not Ra
They are the enemies of Asar
They hath defiled your tombs
Violated your women
And made victims of your little ones
They hath befouled the writings of Thoth
They hath burned sacred papyri
They hath cracked open your heads
Smashed your teeth and gouged out your eyes
They hath hacked off your limbs
And thrown your mutilated bodies
Towards the Heavens mocking Ra
Let not their seed multiply among you
Honour not their pathetic little Gods
Crawl not on your bellies towards them
Plague and pestilence shall you call down upon them
You must destroy their seed utterly
You shall gash them with flints
You shall gore them with sticks
Hack off their testicles
And cut their phalluses to pieces
Suffer none of them to live
Dismemberment and slaughter shall you perform on them
The mighty Sekhmet shall devour them
The chain of Sut is around their neck
Horus hammereth them
Nepthys hacketh them to bits
The eye of Ra eateth into their faces
The carcasses shall be consumed in the desert
The seed of Amu shall perish utterly
Their filth shall never breed upon you again
We shall blot out the remembrances of Amalek
From under the sky