艺人:Blackmore's Night
作曲:Henry VIII, Traditional
Past time with dood com- pa- ny I love and shall un -til I die Grutch who lust, but none de- ny so god be plea-sed thus live will I for my pas-tance hunt sing and dance my heart is set all good-ly sport for my com-fort Who shall me let? Youth must have some del- li-an-ce of good or ill some pas- tance Com-pa-ny me thinks than best all thoughts and fan-cies to di -gest For i-dle-ness is chief mis-tress of vi- ons all then who can say but mirth and play is best of all to re-fuse thus shall i use me Com-pa-ny with ho -nes -ty is vir-tue vi-cas to flee Com-pa-ny is good and ill but eve-ry man hath his free will The best en-sue the wort as chew My mind shall be vir-tue to use vice