Barbarism Begins At Home

Barbarism Begins At Home吉他谱 Barbarism Begins At Home吉他谱 Barbarism Begins At Home吉他谱 Barbarism Begins At Home吉他谱 Barbarism Begins At Home吉他谱 Barbarism Begins At Home吉他谱 Barbarism Begins At Home吉他谱 Barbarism Begins At Home吉他谱 Barbarism Begins At Home吉他谱

标题:Barbarism Begins At Home

节拍:Moderate ♩ = 125

  1. Pista 1 - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  2. Pista 3 - 击弦贝司2 Slap Bass 2
  3. Percusi髇 - 敲击乐器
标记:verso 1coroverso 2coroverso 3coroohh, nooo

艺人:The Smiths

作词:Marr, Morrissey

Unruly boys
Who will not grow up
Must be taken in hand
Unruly girls
Who will not settle down
They must be taken in hand

A crack on the head
Is what you get for not asking
And a crack on the head
Is what you get for asking

Unruly boys
Who will not grow up
Must be taken in hand
Unruly girls
Who will not settle down
They must be taken in hand

A crack on the head
Is what you get for not asking
And a crack on the head
Is what you get for asking

No ... a crack on the head
Is what you get for not asking
And a crack on the head
Is what you get for asking

A crack on the head
Is just what you get
Why ? because of who you are !
And a crack on the head
Is just what you get
Why ? because of what you are !
A crack on the head
Because of :
Those things you said
Things you said
The things you did

Unruly boys
Who will not grow
Must be taken in hand
Unruly girls
Who will not grow
They must be taken in hand
Ah ... oh, no ... oh, no
Ah ... oh, no ... oh, no
No ... no, no, no
No ... no, no


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