Fuck Her Gently

Fuck Her Gently吉他谱 Fuck Her Gently吉他谱 Fuck Her Gently吉他谱 Fuck Her Gently吉他谱 Fuck Her Gently吉他谱


节拍:Moderate ♩ = 120

  1. Track 1 - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)

艺人:Tenacious d

作词:Tenacious D

This is a song for the ladies (这是一首献给女士们个歌) 

But fellas listen closely (但是男人们给我听仔细了)

You don't always have to fuck her hard (你没有必要每次都用力过猛)

In fact sometimes that's not right to do (事实上 有时候 这样做不对)

Sometimes you've got to make some love (有时候 你需要给她些许爱抚)

And fucking give her some smoochies too(床上的翻云覆雨能让她感到很舒服)

Sometimes ya got to squeeze(有时候 你需要去捏_ _)

Sometimes you've got to say please(有时候 你需要说 “请”)

Sometime you've got to say hey (有时候 你需要说"诶")

I'm gonna Fuck you softly ( 我想温柔的进入你)

I'm gonna screw you gently (我想绅士的进入你)

I'm gonna hump you sweetly(我想甜蜜的进入你)

I'm gonna ball you discreetly(我想小心翼翼的炮你)

And then you say hey I bought you flowers (然后你应该说 嘿 我买给你一束花)

And then you say wait a minute sally (然后你应该说 等下 我的公主)

I think I got somethin in my teeth(我想我牙齿里面有点东西)

Could you get it out for me(你能帮我把它弄出来吗)

That's fucking teamwork (这他妈就是团队合作啊)

Whats your favorite position? (你最喜欢的姿势是什么?)

That's cool with me (其实我无所谓)

Its not my favorite(这不是我喜欢的姿势)

But I'll do it for you(但我会为了你而做)

Whats your favorite dish?(你最喜欢的菜是什么)

I'm not gonna cook it(我才不煮菜呢)

But ill order it from Zanzibar(但是我会叫马加爵来送外卖)

And then I'm gonna love you completely (然后 我会全身心的来爱你)

And then I'll fucking fuck you discreetly (我会小心翼翼的进入你的身体)

And then I'll fucking bone you completely (我会尽全身力气去干你)

But then I'm gonna fuck you hard (但是到了最后 我会狠狠的干你)

Hard (狠狠的)


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