The Fun Palace

The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱 The Fun Palace吉他谱

标题:The Fun Palace

标签: 总谱

制谱人:Tolgahan Demirdizen


节拍:♩ = 200

  1. Guitar1 - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  2. Guitar2 - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  3. Bass - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  4. Drums - 敲击乐器
标记:IntroRhy. Fig. 1Interlude1st VersePre-chorusChorusPre-verse2nd VersePre-chorusChorusBridge 1Interlude 1Bridge 2Interlude 2Pre SoloSolo 1Solo 2After SoloVerse 3


作曲:Jeff Waters

You'll have to face this house of no escape
Confront the past, in this psychic house of horrors
I lead you up the path you'll take

Panic, your conscience lied
Trapped inside panic
Your ultimate nightmare

Panic, just try to scream
It's only a dream
Panic, your ultimate nightmare

Tonight you'll be tried, I invoke the memories
The guilt to be driven from this unconscious mind
Young lives that you've denied, behold their faces
Innocence cut to pieces, just look behind

Panic, your conscience lied
Trapped inside
Panic, your ultimate nightmare

Panic, just try to scream
It's only a dream
Panic, your ultimate nightmare

Look at the fun and the games
That you've taken away, confess!
Dreams of growing up have been
Destroyed because of you!

Farewell, I impel you back to your other world
You'll have to face your every sin
Take this a painful bounty, representing me
The keeper of the palace and
The secrets held within

Panic, your conscience lied
Trapped inside panic
Your ultimate nightmare

Panic, just try to scream
It's only a dream panic
Your ultimate nightmare
Goodbye, from the fun palace



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