艺人:Dark moor
专辑:Dark moor
Made by Oscar
Pure dark badness 纯黑色的恶劣状态,
A black cold sadness 冰冷黑暗的悲伤,
Falling into 堕入垂死
Hole of madness dying to 疯狂的黑洞中。
Step into the city 步入城市,
breaking out from silence 打破死寂,
Iron Gods 铁血众神
Pouring flaming violence 传布着燃烧的暴力!
Sirens, don't stop crying 妖女们,不要停止哭泣,
Really crying loud 真正地放声哭泣吧!
Murder now 现在屠杀已
Is allowed 被允许!
Hissing arrow 燃烧的箭划过
Soaked in fire 发出嘶嘶声,
Wrapped in wire 灵魂在铁网
The souls cry 中饮泣!
From hell! 来自地狱!
Right from hell! 公正来自地狱!
Crazy driven horden of brothers 疯狂驱使着游牧民族的兄弟,
Money given to slay others 金钱赋予制杀他人的权利,
Richness striven between smothers 在令人窒息的浓雾间争夺财富,
Is paid in blood 鲜血是这一切的代价!
Keep on fighting no surrender 没有公正的保卫者,
Judgement coming no defender 只剩信仰的伪装者,
Just believing the pretender 愤然斗争,绝不低头!
Evil rising into 即使邪恶笼罩!
A spiral of madness 尽管疯狂的漩涡
For all will be sentenced 将被审判,
And this way
Justice will take vengeance 但公正却会遭到报复!
Power does conspire
Against innocence 权力制造阴谋与清白抗衡,
Wrapped in wire
The souls cry 灵魂在铁网中饮泣!
From hell! 来自地狱!
Right from hell! 公正来自地狱!