Killing For Love

Killing For Love吉他谱 Killing For Love吉他谱 Killing For Love吉他谱

标题:Killing For Love

制谱人:Tom Walter

It's not perfect, there are subleties in the rhythm 
and dynamics that are hard to tab. But this is a good 
start. The more you play, the more you'll get the feel.

节拍:Moderately Slow Rock ♩ = 110

  1. Track 1 - 钢弦吉他 Acoustic Guitar(steel)
标记:VerseChorusVerse - variation

艺人:Jose Gonzalez


What's the point
if you hate, die and kill for love.
What's the point with a love that
makes you hate and kill for.

You've got a heart on fire,
it's bursting with desires.

You've got a heart filled with passion.
Will you let it burn for hate or compassion.

What's the point
if you hate, die and kill for love.
Whats the point with a love that
makes you hate and kill for.

What's the point
if you hate, die and kill for love.
Whats the point with a love that
makes you hate and kill for.

You're killing for love.
You're killing for love.

You've got a heart on fire,
it's bursting with desires.

You've got a heart filled with passion.
Will you let it burn for hate or compassion.

What's the point
if you hate, die and kill for love.
Whats the point with a love that
makes you hate and kill for.

Killing for love.
Killing for love


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