You抳e al ways had some trou ble with auth o ri ty If that抯 the way a col o ny抯 sup posed to be But you can make it through You抳e got ta be lieve You are, your own Se cret Wea pon It抯 all up, to you To come out swing ing It抯 all up to you Take back the sto len years The truth will set you free Don抰 weight down on lies Look down to fall a cies Throw all of your fears into the sea You are, your own Sec ret Wea pon It抯 all up, to you To come out swing ing It抯 all up to you So call all your guards And take to the streets Raise up your voice and sing You can抰 change the past Cuz noth ing will last Em brace what to mor row brings You can抰 the past You are, your own Se cret Wea pon It抯 all up, to you To come out swing ing It抯 all up to you All up to you