艺人:The Cranberries
作词:Hogan, ORiordan
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{\author sisyphean}}\paperw11900\paperh16840\margl1440\margr1440\vieww9000\viewh7200\viewkind0
\f0\fs24 \cf0 \cb2 Pretty\
The Cranberries \
\f1 \'d6\'c6\'d7\'f7\'a3\'ba\'cb\'ae\'bb\'e6
\f0 \
you're so pretty the way you are\
you're so pretty the way you are\
and you have no reason \
to be so insolent to me\
you're so pretty the way you are \
love~ love...\
you say you want it\
but you won't change me\
love~ love...\
you say you want it\
but you won't change me \
you're so pretty the way you are\
you're so pretty the way you are\
and you have no reason\
to be so insolent to me\
you're so pretty the way you are\
love~ love...\
you say if you want it\
but you won't change me\
love~ love...\
you say if you want it\
but you won't change me}