艺人:Chris (tabbed by Veselov Stanislav)
专辑:Cats (Original London Cast Recording)
作曲:Andrew Lloyd Webber
Jellicle Songs For Jellicle Cats(杰里可歌颂杰里可猫)
Are you blind when you're born?(你出生时是目盲的吗?)
Can you see in the dark?(你能在黑暗中视物吗?)
Dear you look at a king?(你敢直视国王吗?)
Would you sit on his throne?(你想坐在他的宝座上吗?)
Can you say of your bite that it's worse than your bark?(你敢说你的抓咬不如你的叫声吗?)
Are you cock of the walk when you're walking alone?(当你独自行走时是否昂首阔步?)
Jellicles are and Jellicles do(杰里可就是如此,)
Jellicles do and Jellicles would(杰里可敢作敢为)
Jellicles would and Jellicles can(杰里可敢作敢为)
Jellicles can and Jellicles do(杰里可无所不能)
When you fall on your head, do you land on your feet?(当你头朝下落下时,你能用四脚着地吗?)
Are you tense when you sense there's a storm in the air?(当你感到风暴来临时,你会浑身紧张吗?)
Can you find your way blind when you're lost in the street?(当你在街上迷路时,你能找到正确的方向吗?)
Do you know how to go to the Heaviside Layer?(你知道如何走上天堂的阶梯吗?)
Jellicles can and Jellicles do(杰里可说到做到)
Jellicles do and Jellicles can(杰里可无所不能)
Jellicles can and Jellicles do(杰里可说到做到)
Jellicles do and Jellicles can(杰里可无所不能)
Jellicles can and Jellicles do(杰里可无所不能)
Can you ride on a broomstick to places far distant?(你能骑着扫把去到远方吗?)
Familiar with candle, with book and with bell?(你喜欢蜡烛,书籍或铃铛吗?)
Were you Whittington's friend?(你是惠廷顿的朋友?)
The Pied Piper's assistant?(或是风笛手的助理?)
Have you been an alumnus of heaven or hell?(你是否曾经漫游过地狱与天堂?)
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats(杰里可歌颂杰里可猫)
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats(杰里可歌颂杰里可猫)
We can dive through the air like a flying trapeze(我们可以像杂耍飞人般在空中穿梭.)
We can turn double somersaults, bounce on a tire(我们可以在轮胎上弹起翻两个跟头)
We can run up the wall, we can swing through the trees(我们可以飞檐走壁,我们可以穿墙跳树.)
We can balance on bars, we can walk on a wire(我们可以在栅栏上保持平衡,我们可以在钢索上行走)
Jellicles can and Jellicles do(杰里可无所不能)
Jellicles can and Jellicles do(杰里可无所不能)
Jellicles can and Jellicles do(杰里可无所不能)
Jellicles can and Jellicles do(杰里可无所不能)
Can you sing at the same time in more than one key(你能同时用好几个音调来歌唱吗?)
Duets by Rossini and waltzes by Strauss(和着罗西尼二重唱,伴着施特劳斯跳华尔兹?)
And can you <as cats do> begin with a “C”(你能<像猫那样>从C调唱起吗?)
That always triumphantly brings down the house(高扬的歌声总能博得满堂喝彩?)
Jellicle cats are queen of the nights(杰利可猫们都是夜间的女王)
Singing at astronomical heights(歌声直飘向九天云外)
Handling pieces from the Messiah(接受来自弥赛亚的使命)
Hallelujah, angelical choir(哈里路亚,天使般的合唱)
The mystical divinity of unashamed felinity(厚颜无耻的猫性具备神秘的神性)
Round the cathedral rang "Vivat!"(绕着大教堂高呼“万岁”)
Life to the everlasting cat!(猫的生命永垂不朽)
Feline, fearless, faithful and true(猫科,无畏,忠实,真诚)
To others who do what Jellicles do and Jellicles can(对其他那些能像杰里可猫那样无所不能者亦是如此)
Jellicles do and Jellicles can(杰里可说到做到)
Jellicles can and Jellicles do(杰里可无所不能)
Jellicle cats sing Jellicle chants(杰里可歌颂杰里可猫)
Jellicles old and Jellicles new(杰里可老猫,杰里可小猫)
Jellicle song and Jellicle dance(杰里可歌颂杰里可猫)
Practical cats, dramatical cats(务实的猫,戏剧的猫)
Pragmatical cats, fanatical cats(专横的猫,狂热的猫)
Oratorical cats, delphioracle cats(雄辩的猫,神谕的猫)
Skeptical cats, dispeptical cats(多疑的猫,忧郁的猫)
Romantical cats, pedantical cats(浪漫的猫,迂腐的猫)
Critical cats, parasitical cats(批判的猫,寄生的猫)
Allegorical cats, metaphorical cats(预言的猫,隐喻的猫)
Statistical cats and mystical cats(精明的猫,神秘的猫)
Political cats, hypocritical cats(政治的猫,虚伪的猫)
Clerical cats, hysterical cats(神圣的猫,疯狂的猫)
Cynical cats, rabbinical cats(愤世的猫,教条的猫)
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats(杰里可歌颂杰里可猫)
Jellicle bells that Jellicles ring(杰里可钟声为杰里可猫敲响)
Jellicle sharps and Jellicle flats(锋利的杰里可猫,扁平的杰里可猫)
Jellicle songs that Jellicles sing(杰里可歌颂杰里可猫)
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats(杰里可歌颂杰里可猫)
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats(杰里可歌颂杰里可猫)
Jellicle songs for Jellicle cats(杰里可歌颂杰里可猫)
There's a man over there with a look of surprise,(有个男人吃惊地望着这里)
As much as to say,(好像在说,)
"Well now how about that!"(“怎么回事呢!”)
Do I actually see with my own very eyes(我的眼睛有没有看错)
A man who's not heard of a Jellicle cat?(竟然有人没听说过杰里可猫?)
What's a Jellicle cat?(谁是杰里可猫?)