Sinister Minister
标题:Sinister Minister
Bass Notes: Firstly, you must know that the whole song is slapped and popped, with the exception of 83-93. These measures are regular fingerstyle with some slap bits. Notation: - Notes notated as a "hammer-on from nowhere" are actually fretting han
节拍:♩ = 124
艺人:B閘a Fleck and the Flecktones
专辑:B閘a Fleck and the Flecktones
作曲:B閘a Fleck, Victor Wooten, Roy Wooten, Howard Levy
Sinister Minister.gp5 2015-5-22 09:14上传
18.04 KB , 下载次数: 23
Bela Fleck And The Flecktones + 关注
帖子: 6