艺人:Crimson Glory
作曲:Jeff Lords / Ben Jackson / Jon Drenning
The pain lingers on be yond these cas tle walls. The red death is ta ken them all While the king and his court dance the night a way at the mas que rade. The ho ur of mid night grows _ near Masque. Masque of the red death. No one is safe from the po is 'nous plague that you breed. Dance while you may in the dark of the room sith the strang er. Laugh while you may, laugh at the dan ger Is this a mes sage from God or fate guid ing hid eous hands? Wont you show us yer _ face? Masque. Masque of the red death. No one is safe from the po is 'nous plague that you breed _ Masque. Masque of the red death. No one is safe, no one re rem bers yer name _ Yer name _ On and on, one by one we fall, in to the bleed ing arms of the strang er Rip ping the masque from yer face. I feel your di sease run ning thru my veins A new king of death threa tens us all Masque. Masque of the red death. No one is safe from the po is 'nous plague that you breed. Masque. Masque of the red death. The price that you pay for your lust may be your life!