
Addicted吉他谱 Addicted吉他谱 Addicted吉他谱 Addicted吉他谱 Addicted吉他谱


标签: 总谱

  1. Overdriven Guitar - 驱动音效吉他 Overdriven Guitar
  2. Distortion Guitar - 失真音效吉他 Distortion Guitar
  3. Clean Guitar - 清音电吉他 Electric Guitar (clean)
  4. Electric Bass - 指拨电贝司 Electric Bass(finger)
  5. Drumkit - 敲击乐器
  6. Brass Synthesizer - 合成铜管2 Synth Brass 2
标记:IntroStrofa 1ChorusPonteStrofa 2ChorusPonteChorusOutro
歌曲: Addicted

艺人:Simple Plan

作词:simple plan

i heard you're doing okay 
but i want you to know
i'm addict
i'm addicted to you
i can't pretend i don't care
when you don't think about me
do you think i deserve this?
i tried to make you happy but you left anyway
i'm trying to forget that
i'm addicted to you
but i want it and i need it
i'm addicted to you
now it's over
can't forget what you said
and i never wanna do this again
heartbreaker heart breaker
since the day i met you
and after all we've been through
i'm still addict
i'm addicted to you
i think you know that it's true
i'd run a thousand miles to get you
do you think i deserve this?
i tried to make you happy
i did all that i could
just to keep you
but you left anyway
i'm trying to forget that
i'm addicted to you
but i want it and i need it
i'm addicted to you
now it's over
can't forget what you said
and i never wanna do this again
heartbreaker heart breaker
how long will i be waiting?
until the end of time
i don't know why i'm still waiting
i can't make you mine
i'm trying to forget that
i'm addicted to you
but i want it and i need it
i'm addicted to you
now it's over
can't forget what you said
and i never wanna do this again
heartbreaker heart breaker
i'm addicted to you



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